We are in a public health crisis of epic proportions, and it has been steadily worsening. It affects the bodies, minds and spirits of young and old and can be measured in the percentage of the population with obesity, diabetes, heart disease, dementia, cancer, as well as ADHD, anxiety and depression. It can be measured in the amount of money and resources spent on healthcare, developmental and learning problems, and in the volume of medications prescribed – often for the expression, but not addressing the underlying cause – for all of the above conditions. When these diagnoses are driven by airway/sleep/breathing disorders, treating airways has to be part of the solution.

Are you looking for answers to these important questions?

  • Why is my child restless during sleep?
  • Why does my child suffer from bedwetting?
  • Why can’t my child stay asleep all night?
  • Why does my child snore?
  • Why does my child sleep with his or her mouth open?
  • Why does my child hold their head in front of the shoulders?
  • Why does my child get frequent ear infections?
  • Why does my child have asthma?
  • Why does my child have allergies?
  • Why does my child have frequent sore throats?
  • Why does my child have bad breath?
  • Why does my child have cavities so often?
  • Why does my child have crooked teeth?
  • Why does my child grind his or her teeth?

If you find yourself wondering about any of these crucial questions, your child may be developing poor oral habits that can lead to facial abnormalities and asymmetries.

SAAMS practitioners can help create healthy, beautiful and stable results without surgery or extracting teeth. With early treatment with facial growth guidance orthodontics and myofunctional therapy, more aesthetic facial growth can lead to ideal development, better dental health, and better health and quality of life for you and your child.

Nine Common Signs of a Mouth Breather

  • Snoring
  • Sleep apnoea
  • Lack of concentration
  • Allergies
  • Sinus problems
  • Chronic sickness
  • Swollen tonsils and adenoids
  • “Allergic Shiners”- dark circles under the eyes
  • Long face

For more information on children who have any of the above symptoms find a provider in your area from members directory.